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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
February 25, 2013 – 6:30 PM
15 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook CT

Members Present: Maureen Birden, David Moseman, Tom Murtha, Steve Meeker, Karen White, Rosalie Newman, Rick Child, Kathy McCleary, Sheilah Krasnickas, Susan Giglio, Leonard Penna (Newtown PD), Ashley Mele and Jim Solomon
Members Not Present: Diane Savinelli, Don Ramsey and Jesse Rosenschein

Staff Members Present: Candice Bohr

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM by Tom Murtha.
        a) Roll Call- The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established..
b) Approval of February(emergency meeting) Minutes - Motion made by Steve Meeker to approve minutes as written.  The motion was seconded by Karen White and passed unanimously.

2. Chairman’s Report
a)  A national group wants 7-11 social worked spread out in all the Newtown school systems.
        1.We cannot afford all the new employees even with the 61% of the benefits paid by the town.
2. They will start off with a 4 year grant, but we are concerned with what happens after the 4 years
3. We are putting together a budget
b)  Changes in the agency, a softer look not clinical
c) Money wise, we are good. We have a few expenses here and there coming up
        1. We are putting together a budget for Newtown Cares

          3.  Executive Director’s Report
a) CCFSA (Lorenzo, our primary service manager)
        1. We will have this person in Danbury and Waterbury
        2. 28 Cases are waiting for someone to start
        3. Interviews have started
b) We have support groups 3 times a week. Healing hearts is also here twice a week.  
c) We will have training for staff.
        1. EMDR – a different way to process trauma. This is a 6 day training.
        2. TFCBT – Trauma training taught by Yale

4.  Finance and Treasurer’s Report
a)We are better then our budget
b) We are discussing what we are doing with our extra money.

5.  Personnel Committee
        a)Matt will take over Candice’s position when she leaves for maternity leave. Nelly and Patty have both         
        become full time employees.

6.   Nominaing Committee
        a) Kathy has recommended a new student from NHS

7.  Old Business
        a) We discussed more youth programs to work on bullying and social skills
                1. We will discuss more options for this

8.  New Business
9.  Adjournment
A motion was made by Sheilah Krasnickas and seconded by Dave Moseman, to adjourn the meeting at 7:19.  The motion passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be held at the Newtown Youth and Family Services, 15 Berkshire Road, on March 25, 2013.